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About Us

What is Myopecs?

MyOPECS is a Malaysian public cyber security community with 1.3k+ public members and 30+ comittee members. We gather CyberSec experts (a.k.a. Hacker) as our comittee members to provide public awareness, free training, student cosultations, private investiogations and public threat research. This operation is a non-profit operation funded by Hery Intelligent Technology.

our progress

Scam / Fraud Investiogation (20+ cases)
Scam / Fraud Research (30+ cases)
Public Training / Awareness (Weekly)
Data Mining (OSINT)

Our Leadership

Mr Hery
Founder & President
Dep. President
Mr Ghost
General Secretary


Mostly cases under MyOPECS for digital footprinting, we do not ask for any fix price, it's free. We help scam cases from any amount of loses starts RM 40 to tens of thousands ringgit. We can consult and guide victims to bring their cases to judiciary and investigate the cases until we get the suspect real information.

Perspective on MyOPECS

  • MyOPECS establishment policy itself is very good to help the public by providing awareness, training and talks. Within a few months since its inception, we have already achieved our objective in dealing with cyber threats against the public. Although the impact may not be as great, but the results are there in the public.

    Mr Hery
    Founder of MyOPECS
  • MYOPECS bagi saya adalah tempat untuk menambahkan ilmu pengetahuan seperti hacking dan programming. Semenjak mengikuti MYOPECS saya telah mendapatkan ilmu sedikit sebanyak tentang programming, disebabkan semua ilmu diberikan percuma dan video-video boleh didapati selepas setiap kelas sebagai rujukan pada masa akan datang. Semua kelas MYOPECS yang telah saya join sangat mudah untuk difahami dan ringkas.

  • Sepanjang saya sertai MYOPECS, banyak perkara-perkara baru yang saya belajar daripada kelasnya. Pengajarnya juga sangat berpengalaman dan latihannya sangat berkesan pada saya. Kelas ini telah membuka mata saya dengan lebih meluas tentang kepentingan cyber security di negara kita. Saya berharap akan dapat meningkatkan lagi ilmu saya tentang bidang ini dalam persatuan MYOPECS ini.

    MYOPECS Student